Saflex Pumps, a global provider of pumps for chemical distribution on farms, has upgraded their pumps to be IoT-ready. We developed a Glide app that connects to their IoT server, providing real-time data on chemical dispensing and alerting users to unusual usage patterns.

Transforming Agricultural Efficiency with Real-Time IoT Data Monitoring

Saflex Pumps specializes in producing pumps for chemical distribution on farms worldwide, focusing on cattle and poultry sectors. They recently enhanced their product line by making the pumps IoT-ready, enabling them to send data over WiFi to a server. This upgrade allows tracking of the amount of liquid dispensed at any time.

To support this new capability, we built a Glide app that interfaces with Saflex's IoT server. The app allows farmers, chemical brand representatives, and managers to view real-time dispensing data, ensuring they have immediate access to important usage information. Additionally, we implemented alert systems based on 7-day and 30-day rolling averages, which notify users if chemical usage deviates from normal patterns. This helps in managing inventory more effectively and ensuring proper usage of chemicals.